Ultimate M90 Spring

Ultimate M90 Spring

Price: £9.99

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The ULTIMATE® Upgrade Series doubled progressive springs make sure the torque of the motor is used to its full extent giving a higher rate of fire.

The ULTIMATE® Upgrade Series are designed to secure the best performance and durability.

For in-depth information on ULTIMATE® Upgrade Series, see catalogue.

The ULTIMATE® springs are named M100, M110 etc. according to their expected tension in meters per second – measured when using a 0.20gr BB and a 300mm long barrel. In turn, a M110 spring would give 110 m/s. To convert to feet per second (fps) simply multiply by 3,28, e.g.: ref. 16671 – M120 – 120ms/394fps.

We recently found out that the Ultimate M100 and the M90 are giving the same results as each other. These m90 springs roughly kick out 330 fps!

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