Enola Gaye Wire Pull Burst Smoke Grenade

Enola Gaye Wire Pull Burst Smoke Grenade

Price: £5.95



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When you need cover fast…super-fast…reach into your pouch, pull out your Enola Gaye Blue Burst Smoke Grenade, pull the pin and chuck it in! Within 20 seconds you can create the ultimate blue curtain of smoke! Unlike the rest of your team this smoke grenade doesn’t waste time going to work…

Enola Gaye smoke grenades are designed for paintball and airsoft….These are games that involve ambushes, assaults, tactics and subterfuge. So why would you want a smoke grenade that burns for a long time? That’s what signal smokes are designed for. A real mans smoke grenade is designed to give you cover real quick! If you are leading a team assault, the last thing you need is to be tapping your foot whilst the smoke cover becomes thick enough for your impending attack.

Burst smoke…pull the pin, chuck it in, show them who’s boss.

Our Burst Smoke Grenades are twin vented, once ignited the composition inside burns very quickly, under 30 seconds. These grenades are not designed to be hand held, otherwise you are going to find yourself with smoke shooting up your sleeve…you have been warned.

It is illegal to supply pyrotechnics to anyone under the age of 18 or to use pyrotechnics in a public place without the proper authorisation. JD Airsoft Ltd will not supply pyrotechnics to anyone who we feel will not use our products in a sensible manner. Enola Gaye products are designed for use in Film, Photography, TV production, Airsoft & Paintball to name but a few of the genuine uses. If you intend to use Enola Gaye products for  something other than this please state your intended use to us via email before purchase. We do not condone the use of smoke grenades in sports grounds by chavs and thugs, being anti-social or a nuisance in a public area. This will usually result in a prosecution.

Due to recent changes with manufacturers terms and conditions we will require company / insurance details if you are purchasing smoke for photography / TV purposes. Without these details a full refund will be granted. If you are purchasing smoke for skirmishing, please make sure your UKAR number / membership number is filled out in the UKARA box at the checkout.

All orders will be due diligantly checked.

©2024 JD Airsoft Limited
Unit 5 Virage Park, Green Lane, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 0NH

Site by Charles Design
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