Nuprol RZR 0.28g - 3300rds

Nuprol RZR 0.28g - 3300rds

Price: £12.99

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Nuprol RZR 0.28g - 3300rds

Biological airsoft balls of high quality at good price. The flexible bottle contains 3300 pcs. These balls are of high quality, which means that you get better ball track and more dot safety. Good bullets also reduce the wear on your weapon. 

The balls are completely biological and are broken down in nature so that you do not leave any dangerous substances in the game fields.

Airsoft - BB´s - Color:White
Airsoft - BB´s - Material:biological
Airsoft - BB´s - Quantity:3300 bb´s
Airsoft - BB´s - Weight:0.28gg

©2024 JD Airsoft Limited
Unit 5 Virage Park, Green Lane, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 0NH

Site by Charles Design
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