Experience a part of history with this replica!Under the Schmeisser license, it has excellent finishes with its metal body and real wood stock. Like the original weapon, it even has a place for a vial of grease in the stock.
Like all AEG systems, it requires very little maintenance and allows you to play all year round.
The MP44's features will please all re-enactors and airsofters.
Learn more about the AEG MP44, the first assault rifle in history!
Its wooden stock is identical to the real MP44 ;
The grip of the handle ease the control of the replica ;
The body and intern parts are made of metal for greater solidity;
The materials used in the manufacture of the replica are faithful to the original weapon;
Its system is simple and requires almost no maintenance;
Adjustable hop-up system allows you to optimize your range of fire;
It has two firing modes: semi and full automatic;
It offers the possibility of adding a sling thanks to the rings provided for this purpose;
The MP44 is delivered in a box with the Schmeisser International colors.